There are circumstances when you’re going travelling for an extended period of time when it’s just not feasible to have a return ticket back to your home country, or of course you may have been in Europe for an extended period and are going back to your home country – Australia or New Zealand for example.
Many travel insurance companies won’t accept this and insist that you have a return ticket, and if you don’t it may invalidate your whole policy. With True Traveller Insurance, the policy wording states that one way cover is valid to your final destination. So if you’re going “walkabout”, you won’t actually have a final destination so in this case the policy will expire at the end of the term. If you’re travelling back home to Australia for example, the insurance will expire when you reach your place of residence in Australia. So if you live up in Port Douglas for example, you still have insurance from your arrival into Sydney all the way up to Port Douglas.
If you are travelling longer than one year, you can even come back to us and take out further cover once your original policy is due to expire. Just make sure you choose the “Already Travelling” option when tailor making your insurance.